Infant Toddler Education

What You Need To Know About Infant-Toddler Education

Surprisingly, far too many parents and teachers don’t understand the importance of infant-toddler education. In households today, frequently, both parental figures are working. That means the dynamics of care has altered considerably through the years. Here, we will offer a reminder of the importance of infant-toddler education, and why it is so crucial. Understanding Infant-Toddler […]

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Child Communication Development

Top Tips To Support Your Child’s Communication Development

What does it mean to have the ability to communicate? It refers to the desire and capacity to connect with others, both nonverbally and verbally, by exchanging feelings and ideas. To establish and maintain interaction with an adult, a need is met by children learning to communicate. Immediately from birth, child communication development begins. Right […]

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Self Confidence

How To Start Building Self-Confidence In Children

From where does self-confidence in children spring? It comes from the way competence is perceived. Rather than feeling confident because friends and family praise them, a child should feel confident as a result of their own accomplishments. As they learn and complete new goals and tasks, children can become more self-assured and confident. As a […]

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Little band.

Why Do Toddlers Need Exposure To Music?

From an early stage, children will habitually start identifying rhythm and even move along to the beats of music. Music provides cognitive benefits which are able to support children’s early development. In the article below, we will be sharing the benefits that your child stands to gain with exposure to music. Music Raises Sensory Development […]

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Reading a book

Top Tips To Introduce Toddlers To Books

The primary and best tip to share books with young children is to have fun while doing it. If children are engaged and enjoy what they are doing, they will start to learn. When they interact positively with books, they will grow to like reading. This simultaneously encourages them to continue seeking literacy materials as […]

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A young mother talking to her toddler son inside in a bedroom.

Is Your Child Showing Signs Of Being A Late Talker?

If you have asked yourself some of the questions listed below, then your child may have a speech or language delay. Continue reading to learn about several tips you can follow to help a late talker. Below is the list of questions that may have crossed your mind: Should my child already be talking? What […]

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Diversity kids holding hands and playing at outdoor park

How Can Students Balance Play And Study Time?

Striking the right balance between play and study is what majority of us is unable to do. This is especially true when it comes to studying for important events like examinations. Play time and study time are both equally important. They each contributes towards a student’s overall progress. Our brains are not designed to continue […]

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Baby boy in white sunny bedroom

Why You Should Put Your Baby In Infant Care

Research has shown that there are numerous benefits when your young child is being taken care of by the same group of people for a few years. The main reason why you should put your baby in infant care is that you will allow them to feel more assured, secure and at ease when interacting […]

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Vector picture for After School Program

What Kind Of Difference Can After School Programs Make?

Spoiler alert: Yes. Years of extensive research and studies on after school programs have shown that children and young adults who actively participated in after school programs saw many different benefits in varying areas. However, these areas are often linked with one another, such as academics, the prevention of risky behaviors, social and emotional development, […]

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