Infant Toddler Education

What You Need To Know About Infant-Toddler Education

Surprisingly, far too many parents and teachers don’t understand the importance of infant-toddler education. In households today, frequently, both parental figures are working. That means the dynamics of care has altered considerably through the years. Here, we will offer a reminder of the importance of infant-toddler education, and why it is so crucial. Understanding Infant-Toddler […]

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Baby boy in white sunny bedroom

Why You Should Put Your Baby In Infant Care

Research has shown that there are numerous benefits when your young child is being taken care of by the same group of people for a few years. The main reason why you should put your baby in infant care is that you will allow them to feel more assured, secure and at ease when interacting […]

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Happy young mother with her baby daughter looking at camera while staying at home.

How To Maximize Baby Interaction Time If You Work Long Hours

If you gave birth to a child and returned to your job outside the home after maternity leave, you know that feeling – the “tug”. Most moms can identify with it. Among other things, you miss your plentiful and quality baby interaction time once you return to work. If you are returning to a 40 […]

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Pediatric Physical Therapy - an infant exercising on a table

Understanding The Basics Of Infant Motor Skills

Infant motor skills include many kinds of skills such as grabbing, reaching and manipulating objects using the hands. It refers to the movement and use of hands in infants and they may appear simple in the early stages. However, they are detrimental to a child’s growth and development. Infant motor skills are developed through play […]

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Carefree sleep little baby with a soft toy on the bed

Understanding Sleep Training For Babies

Children have varying sleep patterns and it often takes a while before parents learn their child’s sleep patterns. The primary goal of sleep training is to help your infant develop a sleep schedule that allows them maximum rest. When done properly, sleep training can also help a child to fall asleep independently thus giving his […]

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Three Babies Sitting Up and Playing with Toys

Safe Infant Activities That Are Great For Their Development

Playing with your infant child is a great way to bond with the child while helping him or her to learn and grow. At such an early stage, children learn through play and such activities are often great for their development. Many parents however may not know many activities that they can undertake with their […]

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Mother holding and feeding a newborn baby boy from bottle

How To Bottle Feed Babies

There are many benefits to breastfeeding your baby. However, research has shown that not every mother can produce enough breast milk to feed their babies adequately. There is no need to feel bad because it is a fact that babies need lots of milk in the early stages of their life. Fortunately, there is the […]

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