
A child’s early years play an extremely important role in their overall development. Babies typically begin learning about the world around them from a very early age, including the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal phases.

That’s why Home Away Child Care Center has developed child development programs that are designed to aid your child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Optimizing the early years of a child’s life is one of the best investments that parents can make to ensure their future success.

Child Development Programs

About Our

Child Development Programs

Child development surrounds the thought, language, and physical changes that occur in a child from birth to the early stages of adulthood. During these processes, children often progress from dependency on parents or guardians to developing independence. Although a child’s overall development is strongly influenced by genetic factors and/or events that occurred during prenatal life, they are also influenced by environmental facts – what they are taught along the way. At Home Away Child Care Center, our child development programs help monitor and observe your child’s growth and ensure that they meet key developmental milestones at appropriate ages.

What We Provide

Areas of Expertise

Here are the core components of Home Away Child Care Center’s child development programs:
Child Play Area
Communication Development

Communication development is vital in every part of your child’s…

Child Area Playing Stack
Confidence and Social Development

Developing confidence and social skills during early childhood are vital…

Child Area With Ropes
Physical / Motor Skills Development

During the ages from 2 to 3, children will develop…

Children Area Together
Cognitive Development

During the first five years, children will develop rapid growth…

What Are

The Benefits of Child Development Programs?

Children can develop important cognitive skills that allow them to think, explore, and figure things out on their own. These programs help improve their dispositions, problem solving skills, and general knowledge. All of these skills are needed to allow children to think about and understand the world around them.

Child development programs can impart proper communication skills to children so that they can lead a better quality of life now and in the future. When a child begins school, oral exams, dramatizations, class discussions, and presentations may become regular activities for them. A child who is good at communicating typically finds it easier to produce written communications, speak in front of a crowd, and achieve better performance in school. What’s more, children who engage in child development programs get along better with others and are less disruptive and aggressive in school and other social situations. At Home Away Child Care Center, our child development programs also help improve children’s abilities to perform crucial tasks such as moving, grasping, and reaching for objects, e.g., pencils, chalk, crayons, and more. Additionally, they learn to develop their hand-eye coordination, as well as drawing  and handwriting skills. The goal is to help them become more aware of how their bodies work.


Choose Home Away Child Care Center For

Child Development Programs


Our team has years of experience in working with parents to meet the unique developmental needs of their children. Our child development programs are reasonably priced and conducted in a safe, clean, cozy and positive environment.

If you are interested in enrolling your child in our child development programs, do not hesitate to contact us  now.