Montessori child development. occupation of the child at home. fine motor skills. stay at home

Fine motor skills are critical for preschoolers. They help them achieve basic tasks in school and in life. Weaknesses in these skills can have adverse effects on a child’s ability to write legibly, turn pages, eat, and perform various personal care tasks such as grooming and dressing.

When you notice problematic fine motor skills in your preschooler, one of the things that come to your mind is to take him/her to a therapist. Even though this is a wise thing to do, there are a few things that can improve these skills in no time. They include:

Toys and Games

There are many toys and games that develop fine motor skills in children. For preschoolers, board games with parts and pieces are particularly important. Also, video games and remote-controlled cars encourage muscle movements and are integral to the development of these skills. However, watch out for carpal tunnel syndrome when choosing a video game for your child. Before you download or purchase a video game, ensure you check its ratings and ensure it’s appropriate for your kid.


Painting does not only shape children’s creativity, but it also strengthens their manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Painting with a brush helps preschoolers learn how to hold a brush and gain control of it as a tool. Even painting using their fingers helps them use their hands, and this is important in the development of motor skills.

Water Play

Most parents hate to see their children play with water – this is understandable! However, if you want your preschooler to develop fine motor skills, encourage water play. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you allow them to play in the bathtub. No. you can give them a cup half-filled with water and an empty cup. Then, provide a clean syringe or eyedropper and make them transfer the water from one cup to the other. This way, you will encourage different movements and concentration, and this will result in improved fine motor skills sooner or later.

Gardening and Planting

Most information sources will tell you that gardening and planting are activities suited for the development of gross motor skills. Nonetheless, there are several parts that require the use of small muscles. For instance, transferring seedlings to the garden requires strong hand-to-eye coordination. Also, a child will be required to use a pincer grasp when picking up seeds or seedlings to grasp. These activities lead to improved fine motor skills.

Cutting with Scissors

It is normal for parents to hide all sharp objects, including scissors, from young children. However, when they reach school-going age, it is prudent to allow them to use some of them if you want them to develop fine motor skills. Using scissors is one of the best ways to strengthen these skills and improve their hand-eye coordination. You can draw different shapes for your kid to cut around, or you can take the game to a whole new level and make paper snowflakes! Ensure you use age-appropriate scissors and supervise these activities.

In case you are a busy parent, and you honestly have little or no time to help your child develop fine motor skills, don’t stress out! At Home Away Child Care Center, we provide a safe environment where your child can engage in different activities and develop these skills in no time. For more information oin how we can help your child develop fine motor skills, talk to us today.

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