Instill Resilience In Young Children

Resilience is a skill that helps children and adults cope with disappointments that are part of daily life. While parents often do their best to shield their children from negative experiences, the fact is it is impossible to completely shield the child from all negative experiences.  As a parent, you have little control over the environments that the child might be in. For example, when the child goes to pre-school or to a mall, you cannot control the behavior of all the people that the child in interacting with, one way or another.

This is why it is strongly recommended that parents teach their children to be resilient so as to withstand any negative experiences that may come their way. Here are some tips on how to go about that.

Provide a Warm & Caring Environment

One of the ways that we build our confidence and become resilient is when we have the knowledge that we are loved unconditionally. Research suggests that children become more resilient when they are surrounded by loving parents and other adults.

Be A Role Model

Children often mimic what they see at home and if you set a good example, they are more likely to learn from you. If your children observe you dealing with life’s disappointments with positivity and humor, they will also learn to look out for the positive things when problems come. This does not mean not feeling anger or disappointment but rather, having the understanding that your child is observing you and learning.

Routines Matter

To help make your toddler more resilient, ensure that you develop a routine for them to follow every day. It does not have to be rigid all the time but the basic shape of a child’s day must not deviate significantly if possible. This means mealtimes, playtime, and bedtime should be as constant as possible. Routine removes unpredictability and ensures that the child is relaxed. This in turn allows the child to develop a sense of confidence that they can handle whatever comes their way.

Teach Your Child to Care for Others

One of the hallmarks of resilience is the ability to care for other people when during moments of trouble. Resilient people often keep an eye on how others are faring as much as they keep an eye on whatever problems they are facing. By shifting concern to other people, the child learns to avoid self-pity and the urge to see themselves as victims. You can easily teach your child how to show concern for others by helping them learn how to share and empathize.


Food has a significant impact on our minds, more so when we are growing up. By ensuring that you are giving your child food that helps with physical and mental development, you increase their chances of becoming resilient individuals.

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