Mädchen in Schule steht vor Tafel mit Muskeln

Self-confidence is one of those attributes that all parents wish to impart to their children. Research has reaffirmed over and over again that children who have healthy self-esteem are more likely to succeed in all spheres of their lives. This is because the ability to see oneself as being whole and competent is critical in professional and social settings. However, many parents do not know how to go about imparting these skills to their children and often struggle when it comes to raising children with healthy self-esteem. In this article, we give some pointers that may help you bring up children who have self-confidence.

Unconditional Love

One of the critical things that children need to understand growing up is that they are loved unconditionally. While is it tempting for some parents to use their love as a tool to get their children to do something (be obedient, do their homework, etc.), the truth of the matter is that this is likely to lead to a child with a stunted sense of self-confidence. This is due to the fact that a child needs to feel that they are loved as they are and do not need to achieve something in order for their parents to love them. As a parent, it is important to remember that the love you show your child sets the foundation for how that child will bond with other people for most of his or her life. It is critical therefore that this love should not come with any conditions.

Praise the Child

When your child has done something that is praiseworthy, always ensure that you give the praise that is due. Many parents make the mistake of assuming that if they praise their child, he or she might end up becoming vain. Others assume that if they praise their children all the time, the child will grow up with healthy self-esteem. The truth however lies somewhere in the middle of these two polar opposites. When you praise a child all the time, they may grow up to feel very self-entitled. If you withhold praise, then there is a risk of the children feeling that they can never do anything right. By offering praise only when it is deserved, you teach the child that he or she can achieve recognizable results and this helps to boost his or her self-confidence.

Set Realistic Goals

One of the things that a parent can do to boost his or her child’s self-confidence is to help the child set realistic goals. It is important to guide your child in this area because if they set goals that are not realistic, there is a likelihood that they won’t succeed. This in turn will likely result in a detrimental effect on their self-confidence. On the other hand, setting goals that are east may have the opposite effect and give a child a sense of overconfidence. Any goals that you set for your child need to be as realistic as possible to ensure that they push a child to excel without being too difficult for the child to master. Remember that your child might need help to accomplish some of these goals so for example, if your child is struggling with their academic work, an afterschool learning program might help.

Be your Child’s Best Role Model

Children pick up cues from their parents and these cues can even overshadow any verbal lessons that you give your child. If you are fearful and lack self-confidence, your child is likely to pick up on those cues and end up the same as well. Learn to celebrate your own successes with your child so that he or she can learn to link effort with results.

If you are looking for a great afterschool program for your child, consider enrolling him or her at Home Away Child Care Center. We balance learning with recreational activities that help to bolster your child’s self-esteem.

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