Infant Toddler Education

Surprisingly, far too many parents and teachers don’t understand the importance of infant-toddler education. In households today, frequently, both parental figures are working. That means the dynamics of care has altered considerably through the years.

Here, we will offer a reminder of the importance of infant-toddler education, and why it is so crucial.

Understanding Infant-Toddler Education

Right from infancy, education begins. A child will readily grow in preparation for kindergarten (and life in general), and will succeed the more appropriate the engagement is from parents and professionals. It is absolutely crucial for a child to develop emotionally, mentally, and socially in their first eight years. Before a child is even in kindergarten, their brain undergoes significant changes. Every second, 700 new connections are made within the human brain. Astoundingly, that refers to the brain of a child under three years old!

Here’s why early education is so very important to an infant-toddler.

It Promotes Language and Cognitive Skills

In the right childcare setting and educational classroom, a child is constantly being engaged and talked to. This allows the child to improve cognitive skills and increase language skills. It gives them the opportunity, at a young age, to also learn math skills. Children will also be more likely to want to read, the more someone reads to them.

Fun and Structure

Within a classroom or childcare setting, children learn the importance of structure and schedules. But, while exploring the many different materials available in their environment, they also have fun. Their curiosity allows them the opportunity to collaborate with others and problem solve at an early age.

Children Learn Empathy and Self-Help Skills

Early education means a child can have the opportunity to appropriately master self-help skills with the facilitation and guidance of an adult. In whatever they do, it helps a child to build confidence. They’re given the ability to do what is appropriate, developmentally. In a proper manner, early learning helps them to work out an issue and provides them with problem-solving skills. Children can learn empathy toward others and the importance of helping.

Promotes Social and Emotional Development

Before a child can function in life – or even in school – they must be emotionally and socially developed. They need to be at a point where, with other adults and children, they can interact appropriately. Without early care and education, a child may have hard time with the following:

  • Functioning in a setting with others.
  • Simply being around others.
  • Emotionally understanding people’s differences.

When this happens, it can become a very stressful and emotional situation for a child. Possibly even traumatic. Children may cry, shut down, or develop behavioral issues. It’s not their fault. They simply weren’t prepared. Early education assists them in preparing for transitions, schedules, cooperation with others, and being in mixed company.

Early learning can take place not only at home but in a reliable and experienced childcare facility. If you are looking for such a facility to care for your child, contact us at Home Away Childcare Center.

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